48 maanden

Business Innovation is for those who want to learn how to breathe life into their ideas. You’ll find a match here if you:

  • like to challenge the status quo and ask critical questions
  • are a creative spirit who likes to experiment
  • want to pursue real-life challenges right from the start
  • are interested in solving complex societal and environmental problems

We give you the compass, not the map. You will learn to initiate, take risks, and reflect on your own personal and professional growth. These are crucial, modern-day skills that will prove important once you start your professional career.

Test jezelf!

Wil je weten welke opleiding het beste bij je past? Doe dan de gratis studiekeuzetest van Inholland. De test bestaat uit een persoonlijkheidstest en uit 'swipe je studie'. Zo kom je erachter welke opleiding goed bij jou past!

Meer info over Inholland en het opleidingsaanbod vind je op de website van Inholland.