Mark Grant

Mark/23/Bachelor’s student.

“I was born in Germany but I have also lived in variety of different countries such as Equator, India, the USA, Bangladesh and Myanmar. I am someone who likes diversity and this is something that UCV provides me, either by it’s diversity in courses or its international nature. I enjoy reading about various subjects whether it’s politics, history, or even the weather. My current academic passion is centred on the life science that are offered at UCV at this moment. Yet, my ambitions can always change In that regard! Furthermore, I am actively involved in the study association @beetucv, at first I began in logistics but now I am more involved in communication and organisation. Due to my German roots, I can say that I am a real beer lover. Wherever I go I hope to find great people and a nice couple of beers to share with them. I always try to keep in mind to “live long and prosper”.

Mark Grant

Overige testimonials bij University College Venlo

Madlyn Kraft de La Saulx

"UCV opened my mind so much and encouraged me to become more confident and outgoing."

Carole Fievetz

"Studying is not easy; you need to commit to it."

Ameen Almaghraby

"I chose UCV is because the staff is very accommodating to my heavy training schedule."

Ingri Olsen

"UCV allows students to explore our interests by creating our own curriculum."

Valentina de Wolff

"Dealing with new settings and cultures encouraged me to question myself and learn."

Janine Faessen

"The small-scale education provided for intensive education and motivated me to work hard"

Ninza Mwenesongole

"We made BEET because we saw a lack in extra-curricular activities for UCV students."

Clémence Schumacker

"The campus is small and everyone is friendly."

Sura El Gazzar

"You have the choice to pick your own courses and study things that really interest you. "

Alexia Geories

"Ik koos voor University College Venlo omdat mijn passie bij voeding ligt."