Sterre van de Ven - student aan University College Maastricht

Sterre van de Ven, 3rd year University College Maastricht student, The Netherlands, Concentration Social Sciences& Humanities

My name is Sterre van de Ven, I am a 20-year-old Dutch student starting my second year at UCM. I love to speed skate on ice but as there is no ice track in Maastricht, I also like to go out on my racing bike and explore the beautiful nature around Maastricht or do other activities such as practicing yoga with my housemates and playing the guitar. Luckily, UCM offers plenty of opportunities to make music together, which is something I enjoy a lot.

Why did you choose UCM?

There are multiple reasons why I chose for UCM. One of the main reasons was the Problem Based Learning system of Maastricht University, which allows me to undertake an active role in learning process. Another reason for me was the open curriculum that UCM offers, as it enables me to choose and explore all my interests and because it empowers me to critically view social issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. I really appreciate the broad diversity among the students of UCM. The open curriculum in combination with the PBL-system creates classrooms full of different perspectives. I can say my expectations of a safe, lively and informative learning environment are met and that the PBL-system indeed allows me to have greater ownership over my learning process.

What was your first impression of UCM?

I was happily surprised by the nice and lively atmosphere of the building. Although the common room full of students first overwhelmed me a bit, I quickly felt welcome as there is always someone around to talk to.

Sterre van de Ven - student aan University College Maastricht

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